Create a Linode account to try this guide with a $ credit.
This credit will be applied to any valid services used during your first  days.
  1. Lists current Kubernetes Clusters available on your account:

    linode-cli lke clusters-list
  2. Create a Kubernetes Cluster. The Kubernetes Cluster will be created asynchronously. You can use the events system to determine when the Kubernetes Cluster is ready to use:

    linode-cli lke cluster-create \
      --label cluster12345 \
      --region us-central \
      --k8s_version 1.16 \
      --node_pools.type g6-standard-4 --node_pools.count 6 \
      --node_pools.type g6-standard-8 --node_pools.count 3 \
      --tags ecomm
  3. Update Kubernetes Cluster:

    linode-cli lke cluster-update $cluster_id \
      --label lkecluster54321 \
      --tags ecomm \
      --tags blog \
      --tags prod \
      --tags monitoring
  4. Delete a Cluster you have permission to read_write:

    linode-cli lke cluster-delete $cluster_id
  5. List all active Node Pools on a Kubernetes Cluster:

    linode-cli lke pools-list $cluster_id
  6. Create a Node Pool on a Kubernetes Cluster:

    linode-cli lke pool-create $cluster_id \
      --type g6-standard-4 \
      --count 6
  7. Update Node Pool in a Kubernetes Cluster. When a Node Pool’s count is changed, the Nodes in that pool will be replaced in a rolling fashion.

    linode-cli lke pool-update $cluster_id $pool_id \
      --count 6
  8. Delete a Node Pool from a Kubernetes Cluster:

    linode-cli lke pool-delete $cluster_id $pool_id
  9. View the Kubeconfig file for the Kubernetes Cluster:

    linode-cli lke kubeconfig-view $cluster_id

Other actions are available. Use linode-cli lke --help for a complete list.

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